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20+ Funny Homeschooling Quarantine Memes & Internet Quotes

It has been a crazy couple of weeks and one of the biggest shock in our household lately is that we were thrown into the world of homeschooling due to the mandatory quarantine.  I have always toyed with the idea of homeschooling and this seems to be a good trial run but social media has made it a blast watching parents around the country talk about their homeschooling funnies.  I have seen some of the BEST and FUNNEST homeschooling quarantine memes and you know I had to share some of them with you all! Check out these other birthday quarantine memes, & these back to school covid memes & stimulus check memes & Essential Employee memes & 2020 Memes!

Homeschooling Quarantine Memes & Quotes

So take a look at some of my favorite homeschooling quarantine memes and let me know which you laughed at the most!  I am telling you, after a few days of homeschooling my kids, I relate to SO many of these!


Wednesday 13th of May 2020

I wish some people would get off their soapbox!!

I am working full time from home whilst trying to homeschool, parent, run a household and help my elderly neighbours in the community who cannot get out! Stuff like this gets me through the day and helps me to understand we are all in this together!!!

Angela c

Sunday 10th of May 2020

Oh some of these people need to grow up i home schooled my children for 25 years and had brain tumor surgery several times while doing it it’s not that hard


Thursday 23rd of April 2020

I am a homeschool Mom and Teacher of 7 years and I can tell you that is not what Homeschooling is. The real Homeschool is field trips, outdoor classes, social activities. So please don’t base Homeschooling on what you or your kids are doing right now during this quarantine. Try it for real when all this is over, you might really like it. ;)


Wednesday 29th of April 2020

The point of these memes are of parents who don’t normally homeschool! It’s all just to break off the negativity we’ve been seeing regarding this pandemic. This is not in anyway downgrading homeschooling parents. Sometimes we need to just take a damn break and chuckle a little.

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