Happy 420 to all those smokers of the natural herb out there! As I have always been told, the whole 420 number related to cannabis comes from the police code for when someone is suspected of or caught smoking weed. Now that it is legal to smoke in many, many states across the country, the code probably isn’t heard as much, but it is still well known, and now the date is celebrated by all pot smokers around. Of course, because the internet does what it always does so well, there are plenty of funny memes out there celebrating the day and giving us a good laugh. So I created a collection of these hilarious Happy 420 memes 2023 to share on the internet.
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Happy 420 Memes 2023
I hope everyone gets a good laugh at these Happy 420 memes 2023, because we all love a good laugh, and with all the talk and laughter from last week with everything going on in the world, it is hilarious that so many choose to focus on things that make us mad instead of just having a good laugh. In times like these, we can either just laugh at the craziness of it all or be a bit depressed, so I choose to laugh. Like always, I have collected some of my favorite memes that I have run across since the big rant on his show a couple of weeks ago. Do you have a favorite meme from this list, or one that made you laugh and you thought I should include it? I am constantly updating this list, so I would love to include more, especially if you are hooked on this news like myself. Enjoy these funnies!