Former President Donald Trump is in plenty of legal trouble, as many may already know, and he is in debt to court for lawsuits around 450 million now. In an attempt to raise cash, he is now selling Trump sneakers, which look like gold Air Force Ones but are tainted with his signature gold. On one of these campaign stops at Sneaker Con, Trump was selling the shoes for $400 a pair and even more if you wanted a signed pair. Donald Trump showing his tacky side by pushing these ugly shoes is so unpresidential and, of course, has led to some funny memes. I thought I would share a collection of the best memes I ran across. So, I created this collection of these hilarious Trump gold sneakers memes.
If you enjoyed these Trump gold sneakers memes, check out these other articles: Drake leaked video memes.
Trump Gold Sneakers Memes
These Trump gold sneakers memes are really funny, and while the situation may be kind of embarrassing to the office of President, I think everyone in agreement can say that we are all used to being embarrassed by Trump and his Trump store. Like always, I have collected some of my favorite memes that I have run across since the recent big leak. Do you have a favorite meme from this list or one that made you laugh and you thought I should include it? I am constantly updating this list, so I would love to include more, especially if you are hooked on this news like myself. Enjoy these funnies!

What a sight, praying over the Trump sneakrs.

Al Bundy wasn’t a grifter either.

Josh Hawley can run away faster in these gold sneakers.

The Trump jailed sneakers are my favorite.

Air Felons is hilarious and so appropriate.

Fake just like everything else he sells.

Run, Jost, run in your new gold sneakers.

Dorthy wouldn’t be able to click her heels together in these.

Gold sneakers that draw charges. Ha!

Nazi sneakers in disguise.

Air Treasons. So many name options!

From head to toe.

Marked safe from buying tacky shoes for $400.

Marked safe from buying tacky gold shoes for $400.

It’s true though.

You might be a redneck if….

Clown shoes for the in.