Netflix’s Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous brings back the franchise in a beautifully animated series that will entertain all ages. This series, however, is not for the faint of heart as it brings with it the intensity and action we remember from the Jurassic World. Check out my review.
The new animated Netflix series, Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous, is a stunning new look at the franchise we all know and love. With creator Zack Stentz and Executive Producers Steven Spielberg, Colin Trevorrow, and Frank Marshall at the helm, the series is bound to please Jurassic fans new and old. The 8 episode animated series presented by DreamWorks Animation is obviously for kids, but even those older dinosaur fans will enjoy it. Check out my series review!
Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous quotes
Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous Easter Eggs
Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous Review On YouTube
The plot is one we have seen before, a group of teens head to Isla Nublar led by a dinosaur expert Darius Bowman, who won a ticket to the park via a video game; Brooklynn, a social media star; Kenji Kon, a preppy rich kid; Yaz Fadoula, an athletic girl with trust issues; Sammy Gutierrez, an enthusiastic camper; and Ben Pincus, a quiet, sensitive youth. Each of these characters bring their own set of teenage problems to the story, but all bond in some way due to, well, you guessed it, having to survive from being eaten by man-eating dinosaurs, and are chased all over an island, one that should have been nuked years ago.
Same Story
The biggest disappointment I found in this series is, we have seen this song and dance many times before. As a Jurassic Park/Jurassic World fan, I was hoping for something new and exciting, maybe even new contraptions that were used on the island, I got none of that. This series was definiely made for kids, as it was animated, and to bring on a new age of Jurassic World fans, and I guess in doing this they creators did not feel the need to “re-invent the wheel” sort of speak. And in that aspect, they did nail it. The series gave me ALL the Jurassic World feels, even down to the music used, and definitely made a few kids in this household become fans.
Age Appropriate
Let’s talk about the age appropriateness of this series. A parent can only wonder if this series is safe for small children, it is about man eating dinosaurs after-all!! And I believe you do have room for concern. Like the movies, this series can at times become dark, scary and even a little gruesome. So, I would suggest parents checking out these series on their own before making the decision for small kids to watch this. The sries is a quick watch, consisting of 8 episodes with each episodes running around 20-25 minutes, it is a very quick binge and I believe you will be able to make your decision within the first few episodes.
Overall Thoughts
As a fan of the Jurassic World franchise, I absolutely loved this series. Like I stated earlier, I was a little bit disappointed that us long time fans were not given anything “new” added to the franchise, this did not take away from my enjoyment one bit. I thought the animation was gorgeously done, the voice cast was perfect, and overall it was a fun watch. I binged the series with my 6 year old Nephew and he was entralled. This series will certainly bring on new fans to the Jurassic World, and a series parents can truly enjoy with their young ones.