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150+ of the Best BARBIE MOVIE QUOTES (2023)

Barbie Movie Quotes

Barbie releases in theaters across the United States this Friday, July 21, 2023. I have a review of the movie on my site, so make sure to go and check it out. It is linked below. In the meantime, I wanted to share a list of some of the best quotes from the film. Check out these 110+ of the best and funniest Barbie movie quotes.

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Barbie Parents Guide Movie Review

Barbie Movie Quotes

Since the first little girl ever existed, there have been dolls.

Ask your mother.

Barbie changed everything, then she changed it all again.

Because Barbie can be everything, we can be anything.

I work hard so I deserve it.

Because of Barbie, all problems of feminism and equalism have been solved.

How come you’re so amazing?
No comment.

She was discounted by Mattel because a pregnant doll was just too weird.

Barbie is all these women. And all these women are Barbie.

I worked very hard, so I deserve this.

Yay space!

Barbie has a great day every day, but Ken only has a great day if Barbie looks at him.

Hi Barbie.

You’re very brave, Ken.

There are no multiples of Alan; he’s just Alan.

You gonna beach both of us off?

Actually, my job is just beach.

Bet you can’t do a flip like that, Ken.

Surfing is not even my job. It is not lifeguard. Which is a common misconception.

I don’t have anything big planned. Just a giant blowout party with all the Barbies, and planned choreography, and a bespoke song.

If this got out, this could mean extremely weird things for our world.

You guys ever think about dying?

Somebody get security.

I’m just dying to dance.

Are we going to get small, like doll size or are Barbies our size?

I don’t want you here.

It happens when you play too hard.

Hurry up, the President is here.

If I wasn’t severely injured, I would beach you off right now, Ken.

This is Barbie’s Dream House. It’s not Ken’s Dream House, right?

Goodnight Barbies. I’m definitely not thinking about death any more.

Flat feet!

Why didn’t Barbie tell me about Patriarchy?

I would never wear heels if my feet were shaped like this.

That’s cellulite.

I can do the splits. I have a funky haircut. And I smell like basement.

Men rule the world!

You’re malfunctioning.

You’re going to have to visit Weird Barbie.

She’s so weird. Why is she always in the splits?

Sorry for the dog crap. What can I do ya for?

I’d like to see what kind of nude blob he’s packing under those jeans.

You have to go to the real world, and you have to find the girl that’s playing with you.

I’m not Adventure Barbie; I’m Stereotypical Barbie. I’m the Barbie everyone thinks of when they say think of a Barbie.

Blame Mattel; they made the rules.

Everybody turn to the Barbie next to you and tell her how much you love her. Compliment her.

You’re gonna start getting sad, and mushy, and complicated.

We fixed everything so all women in the real world are happy.

Buckle up, Babe. Barbieland is now Kenland.

Men look at me like I’m an object, girls hate me.

You got both of those things incorrectly, and I’m going in the opposite direction.

Bye, Barbie. Good luck in reality.

Barbie Movie Quotes

Ken’s not cool.
He is to me.

I told you there’d be beach.

Give us a smile, Blondie.

I feel what can only be described as admired.

I can see myself in those shorts.

I have all the genitals.

Everything is almost like reversed here.

She looks even better in more clothes.

You’re the man. Men! Men! Men!

You’re so beautiful.
I know it.

We sell dreams and imagination and sparkles.

Fine. Whisper me.

It’s a repeat of Skipper in Key West.

I’m just gonna pop into the library and see if I can find some books on trucks.

Everyone thinks I’m cool and I’m pretty.

I’m trained to stand confidently here.

Women hate women. And men hate women. It’s the only thing we all agree on.

Either you’re brainwashed, or you’re ugly and weird. There is no in between.

I’m just a boring mom, with a boring job and a daughter who hates me.

Any power you have should be masked under a giggle.

Give it to her. Destroy Barbie.

I’ll play guitar at you.

I just learned to cry. First I got one tear. Then I got a whole bunch.

Mojo Dojo Casa House.

It’s like a spa day for my brain.

You represent everything wrong with our culture.

I shall seek my fortune there.

Isn’t being a man enough?

I can’t even beach here.


I need to find somewhere where I can patriarchy fresh. I’ll go back to Barbieland, and I’ll tell the other Kens what I’ve learned.

Ken isn’t something we’re worried about, like ever.

I’m a man with no power. Does that make me a woman?

I’m the son of a mother.

Get that Barbie!

Don’t worry. You’re safe here.

I think you’re just right.

Real world’s not what I thought it was.

The real world is not perfect, but you inspire me.

She was always my favorite Barbie.
You are my favorite human.

First step is always rollerblading. They are heading to Barbieland.

Just pick a direction and run.

I can already feel my heels lifting.

Margot Robbie is the wrong person to cast if you want to make this point.

It’s like I’ve been in a dream where I was really invested in the Zack Snyder cut of the Justice League.

Don’t question it; just roll with it, tiny baby.

I cry too. It’s actually kind of amazing.

She just has a flattering top and she wants to get through the day feeling kind of okay.

Shame on you, Executive #2.

I’m here for little girls and their dreams in the least creepy way possible.

Where are my hungry boys who want snacks?

Out there, I was somebody, and when I walked down the street, they respected me for just the way I am.

Here, I’m just a dude, and you know what? That’s enough.

Barbie Movie Quotes

Every night is boy’s night.

Barbieland was perfect before. I was perfect before.

That’s life; it’s all change.

I almost feel bad for you, but you are exactly who I thought you were.

This is the lowest I’ve ever been, emotionally and physically.

I’m like you now—ugly and unwanted.

I cannot sit on one more leather couch; it will break my spirit.

All of N’Sync, Alan.

I’m Alan, Ken’s buddy. All his clothes fit me.

We have to go back. Barbieland needs saving. Barbie needs saving.

Let’s go get my doll.

I have a TV on my back. You know who’s dream this is? Nobody, it’s nobody’s dream.

Welcome back, Madame President.

You can tell them you’ve never seen The Godfather, and they’ll love to explain it to you.

Here, let us show you.

The final stage in our plan to turn the Kens against each other.

We just took patriarchy and made it patriarchy.


I’ll see you on the Malibu beach.

This is a real hornet’s nest we’ve got here. Watch your flank.

All those in favor of Barbieland being Barbieland say aye.

And we seriously disinfected those houses.

It was hard running stuff. I didn’t love it.

When I found out the patriarchy wasn’t about horses, I wasn’t into it anyway.

I’m sorry I took you for granted.

I just don’t know who I am without you.

I only exist within the warmth of your gaze.

Maybe it’s time to discover who Ken is.

I look so stupid.

You have to figure out who you are without me.

Ken is me.

We were only fighting because we didn’t know who we were.

Please, call me mother.
No, thank you.

Tell me your secret dream, child.

What about Barbie? What does she get?

I’m not really sure where I belong anymore.

Nobody looks like Barbie, except, of course, Barbie. Take a bow, honey.

Ideas live forever; humans, not so much.

I want to be a part of the people that make meaning, not the thing that is made.

We mothers stand still so our daughters can look back to see how far they have come.