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Netflix’s THE ICE ROAD Parents Guide Movie Review

Netflix’s The Ice Road has its moments, however they are too few and far between to keep the interest of viewers. A predictable grade B movie at best. Check out the details in my parents guide movie review.

The Ice Road Parents Guide Movie Review

Netflix’s The Ice Road is the newest action film to drop on the streaming service, Friday June 25th. The film stars Leem Neeson and Laurence Fishburn in an action-packed thriller, that has it moments but not enough to save this film. Check out all the details in this parents guide movie review.

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The Ice Road Movie Quotes

The Ice Road Parents Guide

After a remote diamond mine collapses in the far northern regions of Canada, an ice driver (Liam Neeson) leads an implausible rescue mission over a frozen ocean to save the lives of trapped miners despite thawing waters and a threat they never see coming.

The Ice Road Parents Guide Movie Review

The Ice Road Age Appropriate Parents Guide

Lets take a look at what parents need to know before letting their kids view Netflix’s The Ice Road.

Language: The Ice Road contains harsh language with profanity used throughout, words include: f*ck, a**hole, sh*t, son of a b*tch, d*mmit, b*st*rds, idiot and more.

Mature Content: Other than the profanity used, violence is the other biggest thing for parnts to look out for in The Ice Road. Violent scenes include hand to hand combats, shootings, characters falling below the ice and drowning, dead bodies and murder, dangerous situations performed in semi-trucks. There is an explosion results in miners being trapped. The film also contains a tough scene to watch, as a character is shown being crushed by a semi-truck.

Overall Thoughts

Full review to come.

The Ice Road Parents Guide Movie Review

Guide For Geek Moms