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30+ Heartfelt Disney+ Clouds Movie Quotes

Clouds Movie Quotes

Disney+ just keeps bringing the movies that will pull at your heart strings. This weekend I watched Clouds movie and let me warn you, you will want to bring a bunch of tissues for this one!  You can imagine with such an emotional movie, as well as a bit inspirational, it will bring with it some amazing quotes.  Yes like I tend to do, I jotted down some of my favorite lines from the film and compiled a list to share them with you!  Check out this list of 30+ heartfelt Disney+ Clouds movie quotes.

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Clouds Movie Quotes

Most teenagers out there feel like their invincible. Not the superman kind of invincible, the kind of invicible that tricks you into thinking tomorrow might be a better day to start chasing your dreams.

The truth is after 4 years and like 20 rounds of chemo, I’m still trying to figure it out.

What some people take for granted, others are fighting for. And believe me, I’m a fighter.

Does she like your bald head? It’s really nice.

It’s an interesting choice, to write a song about produce is all.

It should be illegal to make people work on a glorious day as this.

The cancer reached Zack’s lungs.

Zack is terminal.

Clouds Movie Quotes 1

What do you want to do with your one, wild and precious life?

You have one life to live, what are you going to do with it?

What you are facing, knowing that your time is limited, is scary and awful. None of us is really enver promised tomorrow, we just assume it is going to be there.

You get to decide what matters most now. You get to choose what your painting is gonna look like.

Do you like me? Even though I don’t have cancer.

Bad stuff happens to people all the time.

I don’t think you want a 3rd wheel around for your big prom-posal.

We’re not normal.

I would marry you today if I could.

I just talked to a journalist who saw your video and says she wants to interview you.

I don’t want to be some sort of a sob story.

What I want is to not have to lose my best friend.

Screw that class, let them teach themselves.

Cancer is such a buzz kill.

Clouds Movie Quotes 2

Is this some sort of ‘Make A Wish’ thing?

In the middle of every difficulties lies opportunity. Here is yours.

To life changing stuff.

It is a dream, you just get to be awake for it.

I know you were trying to protect me but, you really hurt me.

I’ve been thinking a lot about how I’ll be remembered after all of this. And for a long time I thought I’d be remembered as a kid who went down fighting but now sitting here looking at all of you, I know I’ll be remembered as the kid who went out fighting and didn’t really lose.

I wasn’t going to let a little thing like cancer earn me my first F.

If by some miracle I get the chance to go to college, I will coax ever ounce of experience I can out of it. If I don’t, thats okay too. Because I plan to get as far as I can with my limited time. We all have limited time.

I just want to make people happy, as much as I can for as long as I can.

I hope my story makes everyone realize, that you don’t have to find out you are dying to start living.

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