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60+ Of The Best THE CRAFT LEGACY Quotes


The new film The Craft Legacy is available today on premium video on-demand.  I decided to give it a shot this morning, I will have my movie review coming soon and it will be linked down below, so be sure to check it out!  In the meantime, I took down some of my favorite quotes from the film. Y’all know how I do, I jotted down a list of my favorites and was actually surprised by how many I accumulated. I guess I really enjoyed the lines in this movie!  So, check out this list of 60+ of the best The Craft Legacy quotes from the movie!

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The Craft Legacy Parents Guide Movie Review

The Craft Legacy Quotes

Your difference is your power.

So it shall be sealed and done, when all four corners meet as one.

There’s gonna be D-bags wherever you go, right?

Your flow is heavy and that is something to celebrate.

You know what helps with cramps? Sex.

If you can hear this, you’re our fourth.

I told ya’ll haters she was our fourth.

Super tampon to the rescue!

If we get to stage 4, I’m low key turning myself into Kristen Stewart.

You tell me she’s not giving off Edward Cullen vibes right now.

You’re water, you’re west.

You shouldn’t run from your power, none of us should.

Will you be our fourth?

Half the battle of having powers is believing you do.

Now that we got our fourth, we need to take our coven for a test drive.

Hexing is a bit serious.

Blessed be thy sight.


When I am speaking, please don’t interrupt me.

Way to stick it to the man, mom.

Power equals order.

So yes and only yes, means yes.

These kinds of spells are no joke.

You know what is my favorite kind of movie? Period pieces.

It’s so sad that you like, tried to look pretty.

Women with an X.

I wish I had more black friends. I am scared for my brothers safety every day. And I don’t like Beyonce.

I’m really into Woke Timmy.

He won’t even look at me since it happened.

Everyone just assumes you’re gay, and that’s fine. There’s nothing wrong with that at all. It’s just, I like both.

There is a lot of pain for these men, living on the surface. Especially now.

I just feel like there is some weight lifted off my shoulders. Like I can finally be myself, if that makes any sense.

He told us this huge secret.

Something doesn’t add up.

I did this love spell, and he came right into my room and he kissed me.

Was all of this some kind of game to you?

I think we should take a break from magic. If we aren’t going to use our power responsibly than we shouldn’t be using it at all.

If we are not going to use our power responsibly, then we shouldn’t be using it at all.

When one of us are weak, all of us are weak.

How can we eliminate the weakest from us, so the strongest can survive?

You’re not weak, you’re not weak. He was weak.

Snakes are considered scary or dangerous but in Pagan culture they are a symbol of rebirth.

I need to take her away from here. I need to put her first.

If a person is a danger to herself or others, that person would be bound.

Maybe we should bind ourselves too.

You were right, I never should have brought you here.

What ever this is, what ever is happening here. I need you to stop it.

I was worried that your legacy was a curse.

Let me take the burden for you. Let me take your curse, so you don’t have to carry it.

Now you can see why your difference…. is dangerous.


In the name of Manon, I give you my power.

My mother would never tell me my difference is dangerous.

That’s the thing about girls with power Lily, they’re always too weak not to use it against each other.

Your real mom, shes tied up too, in a different way.

You have to kill me first.

You guys came for me.

There’s no ‘i” in sisterhood, baby.

We love you and we unbind you, Lily.

We are the weirdos, mister.

Power is order. It belongs in the hands of those who understand it.

I had to kill him, to restore the order.

You are playing with fire, and I’m gonna watch you burn.

Now it’s your turn to burn.

How’s the Warlock dating pool treating ya?

My name is Lily and, I’m your daughter.

Guide For Geek Moms